55+ Amazing psychological facts about kissing to better understand the kissing
55+ amazing psychological facts about kissing💋
Hey we all do kisses in our life. Kissing is amazing thing.some people's always live hungry for kissing. Today we will know some amazing facts about kissing . Which helps you to better understand th psychology of kissing.
# 1
Often man and women's start doing kiss for leave an arguments or end a fight.
# 2
65% people of the world tilt their head to the right side while kissing.
# 3
Some studies shows that prostitute avoide kissing to safe themselves from a bond.
# 4
Mens are more likely to kissing before sex. On other side women's love to kissing after sex.
# 5
Did you know kissing release oxytocin in your brain which give you relief from negative thinking or stress. And this harmore also helps you to make a strong connection between you and your partner.
# 6
A research shows that couples understand better when after a kiss.
# 7
While kissing, a guy passes testosterone in their female partner which is live in the saliva. And testosterone also helps to increase the fertility of girls and womens.
# 8
Did you know kissing makes you heartbeat faster which increase the blood flow in you vessels. And your mind get more oxygen and more blood which is healthy for your mind.
# 9
The fear of kissing is called Philematophobia.
# 10
Did you know more then 95% mans and women's are like to rub their nose while kissing.
# 11
Kissing give the extra flow of saliva which give a natural bath to your teeths.
# 12
Did you know 90% world population doing kiss and 10% population of world does not kiss.
# 13
Did you know people exchange 1 to 10 million becteria in a kiss.
# 14
Women's always pay more attention to their teeth and their breath before kissing then mans.
# 15
Exchanging becteria during kiss is healthy for you. Because your body meets new becterias which after kiss and make themselves more strong.
# 16
Did you know a average person spend two weeks of his life in kissing.
# 17
Mans also spend one year in the staring womens
# 18
Did you know this is possible to reach on orgasm while kissing for a women.
# 19
Scientist make a unique branch for know ad study the kiss. And this is called philematology.
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# 20
Did you know why we kissing on marriges from ancient time. Because ancient people's believe on that the kissing is a way to seal the souls.
# 21
Did you know kissing is very very helpful to release your stress.
# 22
People who kisses their wives in the morning they live 5 to 8 years more.
Did you you kiss yor wife in the morning or not tell me in the comment.
# 23
Kissing you loving partner also helps you move from physcial pain with mental pain.
# 24
10 times Kissing between loving partners fail marfine in reduce Pain.
# 25
Kissing release many happy d useful harmore in your brain like oxytocin and dopamine and other good harmones.
# 26
When some staring your mouth during conversation. That means he wants to kiss you.
# 27
Red lipstick attracts more mans and boys for kissing.
# 28
Ds you know you find your lovers lips in the dark due to some nuerons of your brain.
# 30
Did you know the frequency of kissing is shows the quality of relationship.
# 31
Kissing lowers a womens risk suffering from depression.
# 32
Researchers and scientist can't explain our needs of kissing.
# 33
Did you know you loose 26 caloorie in a one minute kiss.
# 34
Kissing also increase your metabolic rate which helps you to loose your weight.
# 35
A kissing stimulates 29 muscles of your body.
# 36
Psychopaths are more likely to kiss with their open eyes.
# 37
70% people between age 24 to 70 do their first kiss in the age of 15.
# 38
New born babies grow faster when tehir mum kiss them regularly.
# 39
Kissing your partner in the morning make your day and keep you charge for full day with positivity. Because kissing release many happy harmones in your brain.
# 40
Did you know your lips are 100 times more sensative then your fingertips.
# 41
The muscle you used to pucker you lips while kissing that is called "orbicularis oris".
# 42
You get a big spike in your neurotransmitter which keep you more and more happy.
# 43
Kissing your partner helps to feel safe and secure.
# 44
Did you the average time of kissing in the world is 12 seconds.
# 45
In 1927 two people do first kiss on the screen.
# 46
Did you know in the neveda this is legas to kiss with a mustache.
# 47
The average age of first kiss in the UK is 15.
# 48
Not monly humans many other animal doing kiss.
# 49
Water animals like dolphins and other fishes also doing kiss.
# 50
Over time kissing your partner also helps to decrease the cortisol in your body which is responsible for stress.
# 51
Kissing your wife is not legal in all countries.
# 52
Did you know a average man kisses 29 mans before marriage.
# 53
Like fingerprint we know a man by their tounge print of lips print.
# 54
Did you know dogs are also kiss their partner and they are also called the most kissable pets.
# 55
In Japan and China kissing is considered as a private activity.
# 56
The longest time kiss run for 50 hours 35 minutes.
# 57
Kissing your partner daily keep away you and your partner from cheating.
# 58
Scientist reveal that kissing your partner daily keeps your skin fresh hydrated and beautiful.
# 59
10% peoples not kissing their wives they believe in that our mouth is a home of our souls and their souls stolen or exchange when they kiss their partner.
# 60
We need to kiss for 9 hours 16 minutes to loose 1 kg weight.
# 61
First Kiss in a relationship is more memorable then the first sex.
# 63
Did you know kissing also helps you to blood pressure and cholesterol.
# 64
Rats are also kiss their partners some scientist says that we learn doing kiss from rats. Means rats are the first who kiss their lover on planet Earth.
Hey buddy also read these interesting psychological facts about attraction between girls and boys and this also helps you to make more attractive
Psychological facts about kissing💋
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