55+ psychological facts about attraction 🎆to make you more attractive


55+ psychological facts about attraction🎆 to make you more attractive

Hey we all know about attraction the attraction is amazing thing. Today we will know some amazing craziest psychological facts about attraction to better know the law of attraction.


# 1
The more we attract to a person the easier it is for them to make us laugh.

# 2
A women's looking more and more attractive when her stomach is full with tasty food.

# 3
People under in the influence of alcohol found others more attractive and funny.

# 4
Red lipstick helps girl to attract man's then any other color lipstick. Because red lipstick helps her to looking sexier and hot.



# 5
Guys always like and attracts on that girls who have symmetrical faces like them.

# 6
In the court a attractive defedent found innocent many times.

# 7
A study shows that nurses spend more time with attractive babies than other babies.

# 8
Boys more attract on that girls who are in the same age group like them.

# 9
The purpose of female swollen breasts is sexual attraction.


# 10
When the Question come of perfect dates mans are often concerned on the weight of a women.

# 11
The color red is make more attractive to a women. And may of studies found that a women attracts more man when she wear color red.

# 12
A study shows that a more attractive politician cover a huge amount of media. He is right or not.

# 13
This is also found that in a company mostly high paying and high position jobs are held by attractive people's.


# 14
Did you know people looking 100 time more attractive when they talking about their interest.

# 15
Men's find more attractive those women's who have similar structure to their mothers.

# 16
Both mans and women's are attracted on those women's who have different genetic blueprint than their own.

# 17
Did you know women's and girl who live with their older father they always attract on that boys and men's who are older then them.

# 18
A fact is that peoples are able to recognize a person's weight,height,dominare label by just listening someones voice.

# 19
Boys and mans who are Alfa they attract more and more girls.


# 20
Fertile women's always attract more man then a thick women's.

# 21
You tell a lie wheb you emotionally attracted on someone.But you found difficult to lie with them when you are sexually attracted with them.

# 22
Women's are more attracted to those mans who pay attention to them.

# 23
A study shows that women's are automatically attracted on those guys who make efforts to start a conversation with them.

# 24
Scientist says that flirting with your opposite gender is a good way to relax from depression,anger and other negative things.


# 25
Women speak in higher pitches when she attracts on a man.

# 26
Did you know a man looking 68% more attractive when he smile. And smile also make women's  more attractive then makeup.

# 27
A studies found that when a man and women's staring a girl more then 5 seconds. That means she wishes in her mind that is her.

# 28
You opposite genders tend you seriously when you are attractive.

# 29
Sleeping next to someone who is your crush. Is helping you to sleep faster and faster.


# 30
Did you know a person lean towards you while talking. If they attracts on you.

# 31
A man looking attractive and attracts more women's when he wear the color

# 32
Women's are always attracts on those guys who are stronger and have high status in society then they have.

# 33
Did you know 56% mature women's are attracted on mans facial hairs.

# 34
80% mans are attracts on women's in the first impression.


# 35
Legs are the sexiest  par of a women during sex about mans. And fit legs are also the sexiest part of a women during all other works.

# 36
A beautiful face is more important in a relationship for attraction then a sexy body.

# 37
Did you know people's are automatically judge you positively when you attractive.

# 38
You are more likely to attracted on someone when you have no chance with them.

# 39
Girls more like that guys who have symmetrical face like them.


# 40
Did you know sweaty hands are a good sign of attraction.

# 41
Women's are often attracts on those guys who have a strong jawline. Psychologist says that strong jawline is a sign of strength and power.

# 42
Girls are more likely to attract on those guys who are taller then them. Because height is a sign of strength and power.

# 43
The chances of attraction are increase of women to man when other women's attractes on those man.

# 44
A girl likes a man when she playing with her hair while talking.


# 45
Women's never attracted by those guys who have belly. Women's always like fit guys.

# 46
A study shows that women's spend more time with these childerns who are attractive and healthy.

# 47
A stressful guy attract more girls and women then normal guy.

# 48
People who do self care they looking more attractive then others.

# 49
Man and women's who take risks frequently they attracts more girls and boys.

# 50
Guys who have strong flow of testosterone they attracts more girls and women's. And women's. Who have a strong flow of estrogen they are looking attractive and and attracts more guys.

# 52
People who do mirroring while talking to others they are looking more attractive.

# 53
Guys who are over smart they never look attractive and not attract a single girl.

# 54
Girls who have huge breast they attracts more guys.

# 55
When a guy slap on a girls ass that means he likes her sexually.

# 56
Mans who have a average amount of beards they attract more girls.

# 57
Guys never attracts on that girls who are strong then them.

# 58
Girls find a man sexy when she found other girls found that man attractive.


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